Planck's Place

Welcome. If you are here, then more than likely it means you were invited. What is a blog you say? Well, it's a type of website run a bit like a news letter. I can edit and add things as often as I like. So in a way it's a journal online. I created this just to share with our family and friends across the miles. Check back often and add comments when you feel so compelled. Most of the photos are of Emily, but if you look often enough, you will catch the occasional one of Tony and I.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Dog Blog

This is indeed our family blog, even though it seems lately it has become the "dog blog". None of my family members want to jump in front of the camera these days, so, the dogs have no choice and make great subjects. I would imagine as the weather warms up this spring we will be out more and posting more people pictures. I will make an effort to keep them coming.

Emily and I took the dogs to the park today since it's been a week. They had a blast and ran and ran, but we froze! The wind was up and it is about 35 degrees out today. NOT real fun! Here's some stuff I shot, Emily was careful to stay out of the way of the camera of course.


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