Planck's Place

Welcome. If you are here, then more than likely it means you were invited. What is a blog you say? Well, it's a type of website run a bit like a news letter. I can edit and add things as often as I like. So in a way it's a journal online. I created this just to share with our family and friends across the miles. Check back often and add comments when you feel so compelled. Most of the photos are of Emily, but if you look often enough, you will catch the occasional one of Tony and I.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Fall is creeping up

The days have gotten cloudier, and the nights are cooler, the air has that "fall is coming" feel. We are wrapping up summer around here. Getting ready to for me to go back to work, and Emily to go back to school. She starts kindergaten this year, wow how times flies. When did she grow up?

I finally got into a summer progect, one of many I had planned to do while home for 3 months. Nothing like starting at the last minute! I re-painted our living areas, and one bathroom. I still have the second bath to do, but it feels good having most of it done. It definately freshens up the house with a new color combo!

Can't I just squeak another month off? OK, I know, I am whining now.... Well, more later! ~Cyndie


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