Planck's Place

Welcome. If you are here, then more than likely it means you were invited. What is a blog you say? Well, it's a type of website run a bit like a news letter. I can edit and add things as often as I like. So in a way it's a journal online. I created this just to share with our family and friends across the miles. Check back often and add comments when you feel so compelled. Most of the photos are of Emily, but if you look often enough, you will catch the occasional one of Tony and I.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The "Holiday" Program

After much debate this year, the politically correct American society has decided that we can no longer call the season "Christmas" there-fore.... It is now "The Holiday Season". WHATEVER I say!

OK After saying that, here are some photos of Emily's school "Holiday" program. Her class sang "12 days of Christmas with the entire school, ea class had a go around, and her class alone sang "Jolly old Saint Nicholas".

Proud Moma here was all a-glow as Emily appeared to be one of the most animated in the class and knew every word, which she sang so loudly you could actually hear her over the rest. (Not sure that is a good thing, but yup, THAT WAS MY KID up there!) For those of you who know my daughter, this is a huge feat! She has gone from being the most shy child to a confident, outgoing one this year. Below are some fun photos to look at........

"when I'm fast asleep"


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