Planck's Place

Welcome. If you are here, then more than likely it means you were invited. What is a blog you say? Well, it's a type of website run a bit like a news letter. I can edit and add things as often as I like. So in a way it's a journal online. I created this just to share with our family and friends across the miles. Check back often and add comments when you feel so compelled. Most of the photos are of Emily, but if you look often enough, you will catch the occasional one of Tony and I.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Fathers Day

I know, I haven't been here in a while. I planned to post more photos more often. Life just happens you know! I am off work for the summer now, and I do have a ton of photos to upload, so check back. They are coming! I hope everyone is doing well these days.....

Happy Fathers Day to you all, The morning started out with gifties for Daddy from Emily, big hugs and fun. Then we got dressed, and headed out to Grammie and Grampies. The family went out about 40 miles East to the Columbia River Gorge. We ate brunch below the "Bridge of the Gods" then headed over to the Bonneville Dam, for a walk around the gardens, and fishery. Emily was thrilled by the sturgeon ponds, and had a blast feeding the rainbow trout. On the way home, we madeone more stop at Multnomah Falls. Emily had never seen teh "big water" and it was a special treat because a local tourist chapet was there with festivites and Smokey the Bear. She is still talking about it! All in all, it was a great day. I hope everyone had a fantastic day also!


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